User:Bad Motherfucker/sandbox

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D. B Cooper[edit | edit source]

D. B. Cooper was a badass who hijacked Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 305. Cooper boarded the flight with a suitcase full of nuclear fission, announced to everybody on board that he has a portable nuke, to which nobody cared. Feeling ignored and frustrated, Cooper opened the emergency exit and shoved a flight attendant out of the plane, that got everyone's attention, and Cooper demanded $250,000 (equivalent to one trillion dollars in 2023).

Trump vs. Biden[edit | edit source]

  • separate article that depicts a boxing match between trump and biden*

Presidential Football Classic[edit | edit source]

We Weren't Soldiers[edit | edit source]

Die Hard[edit | edit source]

In the United States Armed Forces, there is a practice all soldiers, Marines, sailors, airmen, and coast guardsmen are expected to uphold. And that is to Die Hard. Dying hard is taught to every serviceman. Before charging into combat, or while in combat, everyone is expected to start masturbating in order to die hard. This especially became popular in the Vietnam War, which experts say is the reason why the United States failed in Vietnam, because American troops under fire would stop shooting just to masturbate.

I'd Like to Make a Withdrawal[edit | edit source]

fake heist movie filled with cliches i want to make - directed by quentin tarantino




Mitt Romney vs. Evander Holyfield[edit | edit source]

actual fight that happened

Cassius Clay vs. Muhammad Ali[edit | edit source]

Cassius Clay vs. Muhammad Ali (billed as

Full Metal Jackin'[edit | edit source]

PVT. PYLE: Hey Joker, wanna see a magic trick?

PVT. JOKER: Sure. What is it, Leonard?

[insert image of PVT. PYLE about to shoot himself]

Pulp-Free Fiction[edit | edit source]

VINCENT VEGA: You know what they call a Royale with Cheese in Europe?


VINCENT VEGA: Quarter pounder with cheese.

JULES WINNFIELD: Quarter pounder with cheese, heh. What do they call a Le Big Mac?

VINCENT VEGA: Le Big Mac's a Le Big Mac, but over there they call it Big Mac.

JULES WINNFIELD: Big Mac, huh. What do they call a Whopper?

VINCENT VEGA: I dunno, I didn't go into a KFC. But, you know what they put on french fries in Holland?




VINCENT VEGA: I seen 'em do it, man! They fuckin' drown it in that shit!

JULES WINNFIELD: That's some nasty shit, man.

VINCENT VEGA: That's what I'm say-


JULES WINNFIELD: Ah man, I hit somebody with the car.

VINCENT VEGA: Why the fuck did you do that?

JULES WINNFIELD: I probably hit a bump, or the brakes failed or something!

VINCENT VEGA: The car didn't hit no motherfuckin' bump! I seen some crazy ass shit in my time, but this...

(They discover that the man they hit is their boss, MARSELLUS WALLACE. JULES and VINCENT run off.)

FLASHBACK[edit | edit source]

MARSELLUS WALLACE: Take a dive in your next fight.

BUTCH COOLIDGE: Are you kidding me? That might derail my career!

MARSELLUS WALLACE: Maybe this will change your mind...

(MARSELLUS opens a briefcase, which is filled with porno magazines, BUTCH starts drooling)

BUTCH COOLIDGE: You got yourself a damn deal.

(MARSELLUS smiles)

MARSELLUS WALLACE: Here's a little something else, too.

(MARSELLUS hands BUTCH a box of Viagra)

MARSELLUS WALLACE: If boners last for more than four hours, call more ladies!

(BUTCH and MARSELLUS stand up and shake hands, with BUTCH's boner visible. BUTCH immediately pops a Viagra and sprints off with the briefcase)

BUTCH'S FIGHT[edit | edit source]

BUTCH COOLIDGE: Coach, I don't think I can go out there...

BUTCH's COACH: What? Why the hell not? What's the matter?

I can't do it...

(BUTCH stands up to reveal what might possibly be the world's biggest boner. Ever.)

BUTCH's COACH: Is that a boner in your pants or are you just happy to see me?



BUTCH COOLIDGE: What the fuck am I gonna do?

BUTCH's COACH: There's only one option... we have to cut it off..

Louisiana Hacksaw Bloodbath[edit | edit source]

texas chainsaw massacre rewrite

Operation Payback[edit | edit source]


Operation Payback was a United States led operation during the War on Terror, which took place on November 9, 2001 (11/9). The main purpose of the operation was to kill as many Osama bin Laden lookalikes as possible. It involved flying Boeing 767s into buildings everywhere in the Middle East.

Colonel Sanders[edit | edit source]

Harland David Sanders
Colonel Sanders after bombing a small Vietnamese village.
Nickname Fat Boy, Lard Ass, Fat Cunt, Wide Load, Ham Butt
Allegiance Kentucky
Service/branch Kentucky Fried Chicken
Years of service Possibly infinite
Rank Colonel
Unit 69th Chicken Division
Battles/wars All of them
Awards Medal of Honor (19x)

Colonel Harland David Sanders (???? - ????) was an officer in the United States Army who served in World War I, World War II, World War III, Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War, War in Afghanistan, War on Christmas, War on Humour, War on Tourism, War on Drugs, War on Microsoft, and the War on some drugs.

Debejiah[edit | edit source]

(meth manufacturer, gambler, criminal, race car driver, drug dealer, bank robber|remove when article is done) Debejiah (1942 - 1974) was an Amish man who was a pioneer of extreme horse and buggy racing, as well as a part-time criminal who committed many violent acts. Debejiah was also one of the founding members of NASCAR. At fourteen years old, he started illegally racing horse and buggies with other mischievous youth. Eventually, Debejiah and others began gambling on the races.

Early life[edit | edit source]

When Debejiah was seven years old, he made his first

Waco (video game)[edit | edit source]

Wacovideogame.jpg Waco is a first person shooter RPG game, developed by David Branch. It was originally released on October 17, 2012 for the Xbox 360, and eventually ported to the PC. However, due to high demand and popularity, it was also remastered for the Xbox One and PlayStation 5 on the 28th anniversary of the Waco siege. The game has received critical acclaim for its realism and gameplay, and was nominated and won several gaming awards. It has since been regarded as a cult classic. No pun intended.

The game is obviously set at Mount Carmel Center in Waco, Texas. Gamers can choose single-player, co-op, multiplayer, or survival mode.

Single-player[edit | edit source]

If the player chooses to play single-player, they will play the campaign mode. It starts out on the first day of the siege, and players can choose to play as David Koresh or an ATF agent. The game is split into 51 chapters, each representing the amount of days the siege lasted for. However, for a successful completion of the campaign, the player can not die a single time, or else all of their progress will reset and a death scene will play. A newspaper and news story will show on the screen, with multiple possibilities regarding the content, depending on which day the player died, and how they died.

Co-op[edit | edit source]

Players can create a team of up to four people and either play as the Branch Davidians, or as the ATF.

Multiplayer[edit | edit source]

Survival mode[edit | edit source]

Survival mode can either be played by one person or up to a group of ten people. You will always play as the Branch Davidians and gain points for completing certain objectives and surviving days. Once a player dies, they will not be brought back until the game has ended and it restarts. If the player gets past day 51 the difficulty will increase by each day after 51.

Waco (video game) version 2[edit | edit source]

Johnny B. Goode[edit | edit source]

Johnny B. Goode was a man who could never read or write so well, but he could play the guitar just like ringing a bell.

Red Ryder BB Gun[edit | edit source]

The Red Ryder BB Gun is a firearm developed in the United States

Could Abraham Lincoln say the n-word?[edit | edit source]

Legendary Baseball Game at Eric's Birthday Party in '04[edit | edit source]

Way back in '04, at Eric's backyard, the greatest baseball game to ever be played occurred.

Saw[edit | edit source]

story rewrite

Slogans for the United States Military[edit | edit source]

United States Army[edit | edit source]

I want YOU to take other countries' OIL!

United States Marine Corps[edit | edit source]

AAAHHHH *caveman sounds*

United States Air Force[edit | edit source]

If you don't have an IQ above 150, fuck off.

I want YOU to fix the fucking computers!

United States Navy[edit | edit source]

I want YOU to find out why our uniforms are white!

United States Coast Guard[edit | edit source]

I want YOU to fuck up the Mexican drug cartels.

United States Space Force[edit | edit source]


Big League Baseball[edit | edit source]

dead celebrities and musicians

Jimi Hendrix[edit | edit source]

James Marshall "Jimi" Hendrix (born Fender Stratocaster Master; November 27, 1942 - September 18, 1970) was an American guitarist, songwriter, singer, and LSD user. Hendrix is considered by many to be the best guitarist of all time.

Early life[edit | edit source]

Hendrix was born on November 27, 1942 in Seattle. Where he popped out of the womb with his signature Fender Stratocaster. Hendrix then proceeded to perform his song, Purple Haze, before it even existed.