A story built one "a story at a time" at a time

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You are such a bad kitty that's it I've had it with you that does it I'm done that's the last straw grarfileld

Sorry, Alula, you may not add more text to the story at this time. Everyone else has this story's permission to add text at this time.

Rules![edit | edit source]

  1. Each story must have a name which builds up to a story. Example:
    1. Story 1: Shit happened, because
    2. Story 2: Luna destroyed the world.
  2. Each story, you can add as much or as little text as possible.
  3. Don't change existing text, just add on from the end of the latest story.
  4. Each title can only be up to 8 words long.
  5. Each story within the titles must be unrelated to the titles or the story above. They can be related to the previous story if you wish.
    1. The story made from the titles is in the same universe as the other series, however. You know, where the moon destroyed another solar system, and god reset the universe?
  6. Have fun!
  7. Last person to edit wins!!

Story[edit | edit source]

A new character Laika is a smart parrot.[edit | edit source]

The title of this story coincidentally fit exactly the max amount of words your allowed to use. THAT'S CRAZY! I promise it was really an accident. And yea. Blah blah blah. What am I doing, I really should let the next person edit now. Ok. Ok. Well. Ok.

Laika is obsessed with crackers[edit | edit source]

Seriously, when I didn't give her that, she caused my house to be destroyed. Sadly the insurance companies immediately filed for bankruptcy at that time. Well, time for the next story.

Laika is as intelligent as a human. And[edit | edit source]

In the land of the world, the moon ate the sun and everyone threw spears into the sky for no reason. 5 seconds after the moon finished eating the sun, the moon imploded and a new sun was born.

Laika turned into Benson[edit | edit source]


Benson turned into Zombiebaron?[edit | edit source]

Unfortunately Benson didn't remember that he was better than you, so he slowly and painfully melted into a puddle of blood and flesh. It was from this puddle that Zombiebaron arose. I think? There wasn't any Zombiebaron's in this area before so... next story please!

Zombiebaron turns into OPOSSUM[edit | edit source]

One day, Zombiebaron was walking down the street and looking for brains to eat when a radioactive rodent bit him. At first, he didn't really care about it that much- he was a zombie, after all, so he couldn't even feel the bite. However, he then realized that his height had started lowering, and fur had started growing on his skin. Zombiebaron looked at himself in a small puddle near him, only to see he had become an opossum - but not any opposum, no, the OPOSSUM. His hunger for brains became a hunger for moccasins, and started terrorizing the Kingdom of Moccasinia by consuming anything that was made of or had any resemblance with moccasins. And that's the story of how OPOSSUM destroyed the kingdom of Moccasinia in only one day.

Wait, is that the Great Lord Móckasiin?[edit | edit source]

Yes, i can in fact confirm that the Great Lord Móckasiin has appeared. He was quite obviously pissed off at OPOSSUM for destroying his kingdom, and wanted to kill him. But OPOSSUM simply said "nuh uh" and left. Unfortunately OPOSSUM didn't count on Móckasiin seeking international support, so now he's wanted by the Interpol. Whoops!

OPOSSUM was wanted for war crimes now, and unlike a certain other person he wasn't in charge of a powerful nation in order to resist any arrest. So he came up with a plan. He would take control of California. How would he do that? Well, he could just stage a coup. But how exactly would he do this? Well, he used to be Laika at some point, and Laika had the unexplained power to hypnotize people, so that was exactly what he was going to do. And so, the Ojai coup took place. First, he hypnotized a bunch of soldiers to act as his private army, just in case. Then he hypnotized the Californian state officials to go to Ojai. There, he would hypnotize them into declaring independence and subsequently handing the administrative power to OPOSSUM. This move would obviously piss off the people, so he planned to hypnotize them too. And the rest of the US. And also the world. It was a flawless plan. So he went on to do all this.

...he succeeded in most of those things. As it turns out he isn't able to hypnotize more than 40 million people at a time. At least he owns California now, which he subsequently rebranded to become the People's Republic of Greater Ojai.

Obviously, most of the US isn't exactly happy with this, but that's their problem.

The real OPOSSUM watches from nearby Ventura,[edit | edit source]

and sits back there in confusion, as his Laika-derived clone takes over his entire state. Old OPOSSUM, henceforth referred to simply as POSSUM, plans to get himself to Ketchikan, Alaska, despite the heavy rain and the 2,000 mile-journey that would be a living hell. POSSUM knew that Laika Benson Zombiebaron OPOSSUM 2 was on his tail the whole time.

Unfortunately for OPOSSUM,[edit | edit source]

the US populace, military, government and marsupials couldn't tell the difference between him and OPOSSUM, so the second he stepped outside of Greater Ojai he was immediately arrested and put on trial for insubordination. But he had heavy plot armor, and as such escaped and immediately fled to Greater Ojai again. But now OPOSSUM knew that POSSUM wasn't under his control, so being there wasn't safe for him either. POSSUM figured that Australia would be a perfect place to flee to, so he decided to build a boat to go there. Except the winds weren't in his favor and he crashed straight into Easter Island on his way there. He was injured from the crash, and his boat was destroyed, so he was effectively stranded there until someone decided to save him.

Sike,[edit | edit source]

he's been hallucinating. The treeless Easter Island will be his home for quite some time. POSSUM now hopes that the moai heads will be good company. POSSUM has decided to chillax amongst the horses that have been introduced to the island, their feces are a valuable source of nutrition to a desperate creature such as himself. POSSUM knew that his only hope to get to Australia now was to steal someone's boat. But opossums are pretty scary little animals, and sneaky as well, so POSSUM easily captured a boat and set off. Suddenly a storm came and the ocean currents changed their course, crashing POSSUM into the Antarctic ice. Hopefully the penguins won't commit war crimes in your basement.

Oh oh...[edit | edit source]

I have bad news for you, pal. The penguins have, in fact, commited several war crimes in your basement. How they've been able to commit war crimes in such a small place goes beyond me. What I'm aware is that, thanks to them, the UN has declared your basement as a criminal entity, and they're going to try to neutralize it before the penguins can keep with their antics. Right now, the US is launching several nukes to your house, with the intention of getting rid of the penguins from your basement. These penguins have already escaped your basement and moved to greener pastures, but the US does not give a fuck. Just warning you, so that you have enough time to exit your house before...

Oops, too late.

Well, it's not like you mattered that much, anyways. Let's see what POSSUM is doing in the Antartic ice, shall we?

POSSUM's boat hasn't broken,[edit | edit source]

but he's getting really fucking hungry, and freezing to death. That shitty snowcave that he built won't last him too long, and POSSUM worries that the thing could collapse any second. Even with the growls and moans of hungry leopard seals, yetis and White Walkers that POSSUM hears every night, the creatures that POSSUM fears the most are the horny penguins outside. Penguin mating season is hear, and those waddling fatasses will try to fuck anything that moves (or doesn't move, for that matter. POSSUM once played dead for too long and woke up with five penguins wobbling on top of him and his entire head in some tight pengussy. At the break of dawn, after five painful days in Antarctica, POSSUM set off for Australia in his stolen motorboat.

POSSUM then went on to sail through the most dangerous sea in existence[edit | edit source]

At some point POSSUM spotted a white island in the distance. Excited at seeing non-Antarctic land, he immediately drove his boat there, only to find out that there wasn't any sort of human settlement or even human activity there. He then promptly went through his downloaded copies of Wikipedia articles about the Seven Seas and found out that he was on Bouvet Island. Which is great news for anyone who wants warmth and food in the short term. Except, you know, it isn't. He also read that it is the most remote and isolated island in the world, which is also kinda not great news. Pissed off at this he set sail for wherever the wind was going, which is east (it's always east down there). But he was running out of fuel, so he decided to just go to Kerguelen instead of Australia, because even though that place sucks, it's at least populated. But when he ended up there, he was welcomed by a face he never though he'd see. You see, he ended up meeting John, the joke character he partially created for a joke page on a joke wiki a couple of months prior to this happening. But now John had become real, and he was very specifically on this inhospitable island in the Southern Ocean of all places. And he also had a plan to take down the fake OPOSSUM ruling Greater Ojai.