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Ahoy, me hearty and welcome to Pirateopedia (formally HMS Uncyclopedia), the duty-free encyclopedia that pirates can edit Arghh!

Davey Jones has inspired us to sink and pillage 37,710 ships since we set sail in January 2005.

Before running out your guns, please read the ships charter and the pirates code or you'll be Walking the Plank.
If you scurvy dogs still are still a bit confused then speak to polly(sqwark, Pieces of Eight, Pieces of Eight)

Buried Treasure:

Bilge Rats | Games | Marine Technology | Pirates | Grog | Coherent
Most Succesful Pirates | LLoyds List's | Other Ships...

A typical hand grenade used against tanks in WWII.
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Michael Bay's The Godfather.jpg

Sicilian Man: America has been kind to me. Her milk has provided me with many children, who I love dearly. But my eldest daughter, she is an idiot. She wears sweaters that do not expose her breasts. She has been running away from explosions in slow motion a lot less than usual. She is different to people like you and me, people who speak in clichés and patriotic tripe. Then two weeks ago, I saw her reading a book. A book! This is America. She doesn't even have a nice rack. I tried to provide for her, but no matter how hard I try, she won't get into a car chase or have an inane love affair. I don't know what to do.

A hand comes from offscreen and gives the man a glass of brandy.

Don Vito Corleone: And what is it you want me to do on this day of days my daughter's wedding who I love and think is great?

Sicilian Man: Oh Godfather, your horribly written dialogue just brings home the fact that I need you to do this.

Don Vito: Then what is it you want me to do? (Full article...)

You can vote for your favorite Pirate to be avoid the handmans noose.

More of the best Pirates from the good ship Pirateopedia

What were we getting up too in past years, Arghhhh!


June 10: Try a New Crappy Foreign Cuisine to Seem Cultured Day

Archived doings

What be worrying the Land Lubbers

Donald Trump mug shot.jpg
Donald Trump is the first convicted President of the United States

Pirate Times

Arghh, I'll wagger you didn't know that...

From Uncyclopedia's roughest captains:

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Recent press ganged crew

More Recently press-ganged crew | Most wanted pirates | Requested Keel Haulings | Add to stumps | Marooned with nowt but a pistol and one shot | Help out the land-lubbers

Pirate of the Month and Swabbie of the Month

Writer of the month.png

Holy cock! We may have forgotten to update these over these last few months. The days we missed could be counted as few as if at all. We have just updated this since last May. How awesome!

So basically, let's get to business. Take off your pants; IFYMB! wins Writer of the Month for September 2014. His hit singles include the frankly libellous UnNews:Nude photos of celebrities leaked, the almost-topical UnDebate:What does the fox say? and the spiritually upliftingUnNews:Thursday is a dirty whore.

Let us all clap for him because I said so.


Do not pull your pants up just yet. We got a Uncyclopedian of the Month award winner up in here! Give it up for Leverage!


Since there is no winner for the Noob of the Moment, you are all now noobs. There are a couple of long-running nominations, but they are stuck there, like foetuses in suspended animation, and I fear for their souls.

Vote for Writer of the Month | Vote for Noob of the Moment | Vote for Uncyclopedian of the Month | Past Winners

Uncyclopedia's sista projects

Uncyclopedia is hosted by the Uncyclomedia Foundation, a non-profitable organization that also hosts a range of other projects as well as some foreign language Uncyclopedias and Illogicopedia.

Uncyclopedia Languages

This Uncyclopedia, started in 2005, currently contains 37,710 articles. Uncyclopedias are being written in many languages, including Pig Latin!

Pagecount statistics listed above were updated on November 1, 2016.     
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For Pirate related chat, see This instructional pirated video.

Protected by the Law of the Sea, and an elite crew of Ghost Piratess.